Friday, April 10

Joseph von Arimathea

A Secret Christian

"After these things Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but a secret one, for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate granted permission. So he came and took away His body."
John 19:38

Crucifixion was the most horrible form of execution man has ever devised. It was such a degrading thing that those crucified could not be buried in a traditional cemetery. Very often their bodies were just cast on the garbage dump outside the city. Since He was crucified, Jesus would have be considered unclean and denied burial in a Jewish cemetery. But for some reason, a rich man intervened.
Joseph of Arimathea was a very wealthy and powerful Jew. Even though he was a member of the ruling council, he had at some time chosen to become a follower of Christ. But he was also afraid of what his fellow Jews would think and what it would do to his wealth, prominence, and influence. So to protect himself, he kept his love for Christ a secret. Yet, there was something in Jesus' death that caused him to go public. In fact, he went so public that he went before Pilate and ask for permission to bury Jesus in a tomb that had been reserved for his family. Now that was a public profession of faith!
Let me ask you a question. In your daily life, are you really one of those secret Christians? Would people at the office know for sure that you're a follower of Christ? Would your family? Would your neighbors?
This Easter, use Joseph's example to move from being a "secret" follower to a "public" follower of Christ.

From: Bryant Wright, Daily Devotions


Kardinal Christoph Schönborn, Erzbischof von Wien:

>> Der Karfreitag ist Gottes Antwort auf die ewige Menschenfrage: Warum das Leid?
Heute heißt es in der großen Lesung aus dem Alten Testament, die in der Karfreitags-Liturgie zu hören ist: "Er hat unsere Krankheiten getragen und unsere Schmerzen auf sich geladen ... Durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilt."
Solange wir in diesem sterblichen Leib leben, werden Leid und Krankheit uns begleiten.
Aber Christus hat nicht nur seinen Kreuzbalken freiwillig getragen, sondern auch gleich unsere ganze Not dazu: "Der Herr lud auf ihn die Schuld von uns allen."
Mehr noch als alles Leid, auch alle unsere Sünden hat er getragen. Freiwillig, um uns von ihnen zu entlasten.
Der Ostermorgen wird zeigen: Leid, Sünde und Tod waren nicht stärker als die Liebe. Er hat sie "weggeliebt". <<